Spring is an awakening after winter, it means new energy and new plans. Among resolutions there start to appear things like going on a diet, doing sports or starting a Polish course at a good language school. After such a beginning we can proudly say later that we are attending a polish language course or we can excuse ourselves saying: nie mogę się spotkać, bo mam klasę polskiego. Wait a minute!!! Klasę języka polskiego? Yes, this mistake is made quite often. Let us make it clear, step by step, what the difference between klasa - kurs – lekcja is.
Klasa, simply means a room where a lesson (e.g. of the Polish language) takes place or a group of people of (more or less) the same age learning together for several years in the same primary school, gymnasium or high school. That is actually why we say mam zjazd mojej klasy maturalnej. As for the first context, it appears most frequently in sentences like: jestem już w klasie; czekam na ciebie w klasie; wejdź do klasy, w klasie było 10 uczniów. Lekcja is just a single unit (that usually lasts 45 or 60 minutes) which is part of a course. Kurs can be an individual or a group one. We have intensive courses or regular ones, standard or concentrated on a specialist vocabulary (e.g., business Polish). Every time, however, it refers to a total of lessons which have a concrete goal, duration and frequency.
We say therefore: chodzę na kurs (języka) polskiego; mam kurs (języka) polskiego; mam lekcje (języka) polskiego; uczęszczam na kurs (języka) polskiego; miałam interesującą lekcję o narzędniku; zrobiłem kurs "Polski w biznesie" w Po Polsku.
You can get familiar with our materials during the courses, but for the time being test your Polish on our FB profile.